One of the easiest things you can do is sleep in late.  You know, when you forget to set your alarm, or you totally sleep through your alarm.  I will be the first to admit that I love staying under my warm covers in the morning and avoiding my to-do list.  Not everyone likes mornings but here are some tips you can do to make mornings seem a whole lot better.

Get the Right amount of sleep.

Yes this is pretty obvious, getting the right amount of sleep can really help when it come to waking up early in the morning.  The first step you should be taking to making this step work is going to bed earlier.  It might seem like you need to stay up late to get things done but if you go to bed earlier, waking up earlier will be much easier.  Before you know it your most productive time of the day will be the mornings.

Have everything ready the night before

Doing this one step will save you ten steps.

Trust me, this one makes the morning suck about 100x less.

If you take the time at night to prep everything you need for the next day, your mornings will run much smoother. I do this every night.  I write out my to-do list for the next day, review what is in my planner, pack my backpack for university, put my already prepped meals into my lunch kit then put it in the fridge.  I do basically everything that would normally get done in the morning the night before; to ensure my morning routine is not rushed.

Develop a morning routine

This one takes a bit of time but it is so worth it.  By developing a morning routine you will be more inclined to wake up early and get things done.  Take time one day and plan exactly what it is that you are wanting your morning routine to look like. To get inspiration for this try looking on Pinterest or youtube.

Have something to look forward to

Maybe you are someone who is absolutely driven by good food.  If this is the case then make breakfast your thing to look forward to. Plan yourself a lovely breakfast for the morning and that way you will have something to look forward to.  Or, another approach you could take is giving yourself rewards for waking up on time. Rewards are a great way to make you do things you wouldn’t otherwise do.

Turn off the electronics at the same time every night

Turning off that phone at 9 every night will help you become a morning person faster than almost anything else.  In my personal experience when I am on my phone late at night I have a difficult time falling asleep.  Since putting my phone down forty-five minutes to an hour before going to bed I have noticed a significant different in my ability to fall asleep.  Once you get into the routine of shutting your electronics off at a certain time before bed I am sure you will have more restful nights.

If you have not tried this I highly suggest it!

Change the way you think about it.

I just wrote a blog post on how to change your mindset.  Be sure to give that a read before doing this step.

Changing the way you think about a situation, such as waking up early, is powerful and will help you achieve any desired outcome you have.  Instead of telling yourself that waking up early will cause you to be tired the next day; change the way you look at the situation.  Be excited for how much more you will get done throughout the day by giving yourself that extra hour or extra half hour.

I always tell myself I like reaching my goals more than I like sleeping.

Hopefully these tips will help you wake up just a little but earlier each day!