If you’re like any other person in the world you feel like you need more time in the day. You probably work a full time job, go to college, want time to spend with family and friends or you do a combination of the above.

Evidently, this leaves little time to eat healthy, get to the gym or just take some time to relax.

That’s why it’s important to take the step you can to improve your health each day.

So, there is this thing we’ve all heard of and it never seems to be on our side, can you guess what it is?

You got it!    Time!

No matter what we do there never seems to be enough of it.  But I’m here to share with you a few simple tips that have helped me combat this concept, making it possible for me to live a healthy lifestyle everyday of the week.

This ultimately comes down to Planning Ahead So you can accomplish everything you want to!

Yes you’ve heard this one before, I know.  Make a list, check it off, and BAM! As simple as that! No! We all know that’s not quite how it works. Making a list is actually one of the last steps in planning, it’s when you decide what order you want to accomplish your tasks and exactly what tasks there are to be accomplish.  If you want to learn more about planning a healthy week then keep reading!

//Strategy of the Week

You must have a strategy in place.

A great strategy includes outlining your goals.  This is what I do before I make my to-do list. Here is an example of my strategy to accomplish my goals and ultimately be able to cross off every task on my to-do list.

  • Meal Plan 
  • School
  • Fitness
  • Wellbeing 
  • Other

From this list I am able to generate a list of what is most important, what my priorities are, and what should be at the top of my to-do list.

//Meal Prep

It may sound daunting at first, planning all your meals in one day.  And yeah it takes a few hours but it will honestly save loads of time throughout the week.  Just think about how great it would be to come home from a long day of work or after a rough day in class and have your supper already made!

Sounds pretty great to me! That’s why I meal prep EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK!

When you meal prep you don’t only cut down on time throughout the week, you also ensure you are eating properly.

I’m 150% guilty of grabbing the easiest thing to make when I’m tired and hungry, even if it’s not the most healthy.  Meal prep has saved me from this habit and in turn has helped me get that much closer to my health and fitness goals.

As mentioned earlier, it can seem daunting and time consuming but I have a few tips to help you out!

Whether you are a macro counter, intuitive eater, or you just stick to a clean whole foods diet, the following apply to you.


//Choose the Perfect workouts to fit your Schedule and give you the Best Results

Maybe you are a dedicated employee working over 40 hours a week, maybe your a busy parent or just maybe you’re a full time student like myself.  Whichever you are, I want to applaud you for being disciplined, dedicated and driven. Keep it up!

For those very reason it’s necessary you find workouts suited to you and your lifestyle.

You may prefer gym workouts, home workouts, cross fit, or yoga classes and all are great! Anything that gets your blood flowing is amazing.

Again Im preaching that you plan these out! Writing it down on that to-do list will be one way to hold you accountable, and when you get to cross that ab workout or HIIT session off your list you will feel you’re one step closer to reaching your health and fitness goals.

//Take time for Yourself

So you’re almost done that to-do list, ink fills the page and you know the week is almost done. Woo hoo! 

Don’t forget to take time for yourself, to relax, do an activity you love, or to even reflect on how well you’ve been doing this week.

When striving for the body you want or progress in the gym it is easy to get caught up in the dedication and forget that the person who is responsible for all these amazing achievements is YOU!  Make sure you take the time to reward yourself for sticking to your healthy routine, or for pushing through another hectic week of University. You should be extremely proud of yourself for striving for balance and wanting to better yourself! I’m proud of you for taking that step!

This time may be by yourself, you can check out self care ideas here. It is also helpful to put this time for yourself on you’re to-do list, in an agenda or in your phone calendar.  Undoubtably, at the end of the day, it’s your mind-set and well-being that help push you to your physical goals so don’t cheap out on this step!

Let me know how you balance a healthy lifestyle when you’re super busy!