Your mind is a very powerful tool that you can use to do anything you want.  Think about a tool box, in a tool box there might be a hammer, tape measure, level, screw driver, etc. you get the point. Each of these tools however are used for different things, I mean, have you have tried hammering a nail into wood with a tape measure? I’m guessing the answer is a big fat NO. This is not the case with your mind.  Your mind is one tool you can use to solve any problem you have and learning how to use it to your advantage can minimize stress and help you achieve your goals.

Transforming your mindset from negative thoughts to positive is a skill that will help you get exactly where you want to be.  You can utilize these strategies for school, work, relationships, and anything else that is important to you.  If you want to know the basics of transforming your mindset then keep reading!

What is mindset? 

In short mindset is a way of thinking.

You know all those thoughts that are telling you that you can’t do something? Yeah, that is your mindset.  Additionally, thoughts about excelling and succeeding at something also result from your mindset.

Here are some simple tips anyone can do to change their mindset.

1. Examine and Identify what you need to change

In order to change something you have to know what it is you are changing and the why behind wanting it to change.  Examine your current situation and when negative thoughts tend to pop into your mind. By doing this you will come to a conclusion about what specific thoughts you need to start changing. For example, if you dread going to the gym ask yourself why you hate it so much.  The answer you come up with might sound something like this…

“I hate going to the gym because no matter how often I go or how hard I work I am not seeing the results I want to be seeing.”

This is a specific statements that indicates the root cause of why you do not like going to the gym which is part of your larger negative mindset.  Now, you can change the way you look at how fast you are getting results.  You can change your thoughts to something along the lines of..

“With hard work and dedication I will get results, and with each day I go to the gym I better my body.”

This is an example of a positive mindset that will help you reach your goals faster.

2. Shape your mindset

What kind of mindset do you want? Do you want a mindset that helps you reach your academic goals? Maybe you want a mindset that sets you up for a successful career one day? Or, do you need thoughts that will help you stay motivated?

Visualization and goal setting are perfect for shaping your mindset.

By putting pen to paper and writing down goals your desires seem more realistic. Use goals to give yourself a timeline of what you want to eventually achieve.

After your goals are set you can start visualizing them.

Visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to changing your mindset.  It allows you to actually see what it is that you want makes it much more attainable as a result.

Working towards your goals everyday will satisfy your mentality.  Stay consistent with your shaping process and you will begin to see your entire mindset transform.

Stop Blaming Others

Adopting the role of the victim is far too easy, and we are all guilty of doing it at some point of another.  When we screw up we blame it on someone else, or something else.  We do not own our mistakes or take responsibility for our actions. This has to be one of the first things to change if you are striving to change your mindset. When you stop blaming others and taking responsibility for your mistakes or what you cannot yet do, you find it much easier to change your mindset.  Your mindset is something YOU create so YOU need to take the necessary steps to achieve the right mindset.

Accept what you Cannot Change

There are some things in life that we just cannot change. If there is a situation that we have no control over the best thing to do is to learn from that situation and move forward.  Embracing change is a key component when it comes to transforming your mindset. There are a variety of precursors that make acceptance possible.  So, if you want to learn how to accept the things you cannot change master the following:

  • Part with the Past

The past is the past, it is over and done with so there is no point stressing over it.  Instead, focus on today and the future, because that is where real change can be made.

  • Manage your stress

Stress can sneak up on us oh so quickly and being prepared and knowing how to manage it is crucial for acceptance.  Take time to identify what it is that brings you stress then, create a management strategy for that stress.

  • See things for what they really are

You failed that last exam and now your stress level is through the roof, what do you do now? Look at the situation for what it really is.  It is a crappy situation, yes.  It is not a life threatening situation. By actually breaking the situation down you will not overthink the situation and you will see it for what it really is.  In this case, it is an F on a piece of paper that in the grand scheme of things does not matter all that much. It will not determine whether you are successful or unsuccessful in life and it sure does not determine who you are or who you will become.

  • Know everything happens for a reason

Sometimes, crappy things happen at crappy times, because sometimes life just feels the need to completely cover us in crap. Being mindful of the fact everything happens for a reason is what will get you through those crappy times. Life ALWAYS has a way of working out and I believe it is because everything that happens, happens for a reason.

Self-care Often

There is no better way to keep those positive thoughts flowing than by engaging in self-care practices.  Self-care allows you to acknowledge your needs, wants, and desires and partake in the actions required to obtain each.  It can be as simple as meditating for 5 minutes each morning or taking a bubble bath once a week.

Enjoy the Happiness

Enjoy that happiness that comes with having a calm, positive, right mindset.

Do you have any tips for changing your mindset?