We all deal with those times that bring about anxious thoughts but for some, these anxious thoughts pop up over the simplest decisions we have to make.  Such as, how to approach someone you are interested in, or writing a difficult math test.

Anxiety comes in various forms for various people.  Makes sense, right? We are all different people so of course we experience anxious moments differently.

I am not a licensed health professional nor an expert on anxiety.  Therefore I have referred to helpful articles online to help write this post such as this one from lifehack.  Always consult a health professional before trying to tackle anxiety on your own.

Let’s talk about it in terms of a universal definition:

Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying.

Sound familiar?

Of course it does, everyone experiences anxiety at one moment or another and it’s just one of those biochemical reactions that happen in our bodies.  Our minds are built to protect us, they are programmed to fight or flight when in a threatening situation, but learning how to cope with these threatening situation is important.


We need to try to harness those anxious thoughts, control them, and counteract the negativity.

So here’s how to do it..

Be Aware

Anxiety consumes you, including your every thought, it is a very real thing. However, in a room FULL of people, chances are you’re the only one who knows you’re having anxiety at that particular moment in time. Be aware of that fact. Focus on the things that are outside of your own mind, think about what others are thinking about, what they can see, hear or feel.

Anxiety isn’t very nice, it tries to take you to a place that you don’t want to go, a place of fear, worry and threat. It is your job to not let anxiety take you to that place, ground your feet and don’t move from your present state.

By focusing on what your physical environment is comprised of, time and time again, will help you the next time that little guy we call anxiety tries to pull you into a place you do not want to go.


Easier said than done, trust me, I know!

Our bodies are designed to keep us alive and obviously breathing is one of the ways it does that. It’s truly fascinating how our bodies do it on their own, without demand from us, when we are sleeping, completely on their own.  So, shouldn’t it be the same in a stressful situation?

The answer is more complicated than you think, read about it here.

The point is, subconsciously we are capable of amazing things so imagine what we are capable of when we put out mind to it!

Slow yourself down, you’re entire body, tell yourself you are going to breathe, breathe in slowly, exhale slowly. Repeat.

Try saying a phrase like: You’re okay, just breathe, just breath, just breath.

By doing this you’re telling your mind what it is you want it to be doing, it has always known how to breath, so telling it will just give it the right kick in the butt to breath in a tough situation.

Be Patient

No thought is stronger than you are! You are strong, brave and amazing, a few negative thoughts can’t control you forever. With time all things pass, so give your anxious thoughts time.

Anxiety works in a cycle with consistent management techniques that cycle will break, just give it some time.

Accept that frigg’n thing

It’s discouraging, frustrating and can be down right annoying when you realize you let it ruin your entire day, but don’t completely push it away. Accept it. Anxiety thrives on you working against it. By suppressing anxious thoughts and feelings you will actually prolong the effects. A continuous fight against every time anxiety begins to come over you can actually result in panic.

Accepting anxiety is back for another visit will position you in a place where you can decide how you want to rid the feeling.

Embrace it

Did you really just tell me to embrace my feelings of worry?

Yes! Yes, I did! And here’s why..

Although anxiety puts you in a vulnerable it state, that vulnerable state is the perfect place to practice valuable life skills. A lot of things in life will NOT go our way, that’s just how it is, so developing skills to deal with the feelings this gives you is essential to being a product member of society and a happy individual.

Want to learn some more reasons you can embrace anxiety? Check this out!

Remember you’re only Human

I bet you’ve heard the saying

It’s okay to not be okay

Heck yeah you have! It is okay to not be okay, you’re only a human being. No one has control over everything that happens to them in life and that uncertainty produces anxiety.

Just remember with the above tips you can change the frequency of that occurrence as well as alter how long anxiety stays.

Thanks for reading, if you thought this was helpful comment down below and let me know! Also, what are some steps you’ve taken to overcome anxiety? I’d love to hear from you!