We all have those class that we do not like but have to take.  Unfortunately, it is just part of the college experience.  In my personal experience there have been many classes that I do not necessarily like, and often they are the hard classes.  It seems as though no matter how much effort I put in or how many hours I spend studying I still manage to do poor in the class because it is just straight up hard.  Each year I’ve been at Uni I’ve had at least one hard class.  Sometimes it is because the content is confusing and difficult to grasp and sometimes it is simply because the professor has an approach that makes the class overall difficult.

Hard classes can make you feel like you’re not smart and like college just might not be the place for you.

I know that is how some classes have made me feel.

However, I have always gotten through and have kept my GPA up in the process. Along the way I’ve learned some tips that I think can help you if you are struggling to pass a difficult class or if your nervous about passing even before starting the class.


If you want to know what I’ve done to pass hard college classes then keep reading!


Read the Syllabus 

You will receive the syllabus the first day of each class.  This piece of paper is the most important document you’ll receive–it will set you up for success (if you use it properly).

The syllabus will have a number of components:

  • The grading scheme

If you need to pass a class you might want to know the grading scheme.  Seems pretty important, hey?  Different areas of study will sometimes have different grading schemes.

  • Assignments

Assignments might be a big part of your grade or a small portion.  Either way, looking at your syllabus will give you an idea of how busy you will be in the class.  I encourage you to get all assignments done to the best of your ability because one slip up can pull you down from an A- to a B+.

  • Modules

Often professors will outline the entire course on the syllabus by breaking down the course into modules.  Taking a look at what the modules are can help guide your focus.  Perhaps there is a module you are completely unfamiliar with, looking at your syllabus and recognizing this the first day will give you plenty of time to google this module to give yourself a bit of a background before your professor dives into this during class.

  • Tests

When your in college tests are the bulk of what makes up your overall grade, so be sure to know how many tests you have in each class.

  • Important dates

One of the worst questions you can ask a professor is when a due date is.  Questions about due dates can all be answered through the course syllabus so utilize it.  Write each and every date down in your planner, phone, or online calendar to stay organized and ultimately to keep your sanity throughout the semester.

  • Contact Information for your professor

Check the top of your syllabus when you get it, I bet you will see your Professor’s contact information.  You might not think you need this but later on in the semester when you have questions having his or her email address will be extremely helpful. Not to mention when it comes time to ask for reference letters you will have an email, phone number, and office hours you can use to talk to your professor.


Find a Study Buddy

Having just one person in each class to go to for help when you need it is wonderful. You can ask that person for their notes if you miss a class or study together in the library for a really hard exam.

Having a study buddy is beneficial in so many ways:

  1. If you do a group project you won’t have to worry about finding a partner because you know someone in the class who also wants to succeed.
  2. Having a study buddy can help you learn the material in a different way that you understand better.
  3. You have someone to hold you accountable.  If you have someone there who is relying on you to get to the library or be able to understand complex concepts you will be more motivated.
  4. You will have a go-to person to help you with assignments and tests.  In the past I have lucked out and met people in my classes who have tests and assignments they gathered from friends who had already taken the class.  These are super helpful resources.

Ditch Procrastination

Procrastination comes from not wanting to do something which is sometimes the result of something being difficult.

In other words: Procrastination is an easy solution for hard college classes.

With that said, if you want to pass a hard college class you CANNOT procrastinate!

In order to beat procrastination try:

  • Studying when you are most alert.  Maybe you’re a morning person so do studying for that difficult class first thing in the morning.


  • Eliminating all distractions will also help with overcoming procrastination. Find an effective environment that will help you focus on the one task you are trying to complete.


  • Study for the class you dislike the most FIRST.  This way it will be out of the way and the rest of your day will run much more smoothly.

I could give you so many tips to beat procrastination but the #1 thing you have to do is just GET TO WORK, whether you like it or not.


Utilize all resources

Sometimes lecture material is not enough to help you pass a hard class.

Professors can be vague, lecture halls can be hard to concentrate in, and PowerPoints are not always that useful.

That is why it is important to utilize all resources you have.

If the prof does not provide enough background information on the subject make sure you read the textbook.

Also, utilize office hours and tutoring services on campus.  This will give you more insight into the topic and you will have the option to ask any questions you have.

Expand your knowledge by googling the content or watching youtube videos.  Khan’s Academy was my best friend throughout second semester first year when I was enrolled in a difficult math class.


Ask Questions

Do not think just because you ask for help means you are stupid.  Actually, in College asking questions is encouraged!

Asking questions shows you care about understanding the material and having a good grades at the end of the class. In my experience, Professors respect students who ask questions, so ask all the questions you need.

No matter how juvenile you think your question might be, still ask! You can ask fellow classmates, your study buddy, alumni, professors.

Passing a class in college requires you to have an understanding of the lecture content and the best way to do this is by asking questions.


Pretend you love it

Have you ever looked at the students who do super well in difficult classes? What traits do they have? More specifically, what is their attitude towards the class like?

Have you noticed that they enjoy the class?

If you want to pass a difficult class try adopting the mentality all those smarty pants keener students have.  In other words, learn to love the class, and if you really can’t do that, just pretend you love it.

A positive mind does wonders for your grades.  Do not let negative thoughts be the cause of poor grades.  If you really believe you can pass that class you will be able to pass it!

I hope these tips helped and good luck with all your classes! Have you ever had to take a really difficult class? If so, what tips do you have?


2 thoughts on “How to Pass A Hard College Class”

    1. Thanks so much! There is something so powerful about convincing your mind that you can do anything. Fake it till you make it is an excellent choice of words!

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