Everyone I know longs for more time in the day.  I always hear people say “There aren’t enough hours in the day” or “It’s impossible to get everything done that I want to.”

That may be true at times, but think about it..

if we really did have more hours in the day would we really get everything done we intend to? Personally, I don’t think so.

With more time comes the ability to schedule more, you see, it’s a vicious never ending cycle.  I’ll let you in on a little secret..

We can’t change the hours in the day so we must learn how to utilize the hours we do have.

AKA: We need to be productive

Being productive involves getting what we need done, in the shortest period of time.

But how?

Easy! Just adopt some of these new strategies into your everyday routine and you’ll quickly become more productive.

Plan ahead.

 Plan what you want to accomplish.

Make a to-do list. 

Prioritize. What do you absolutely have to get done? Put it at the top of your list.

Eat properly.

 Avoid the distractions of your rumbling stomach by filling it with nourishing food that also keeps your brain alert and functioning properly.

Get Moving. 

This one is huge! Don’t be one of those people who assume after a workout you’ll be tired and needing a nap, exercising can actually do the opposite. Working out in the morning will start your day off on a good note.  If you aren’t a morning person then try going for a walk or light jog to refresh your brain.

Focus on one task at a time. 

Multi-tasking is awesome but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t know how to do it properly. Think about one task so you can focus on completing it before moving on to the next.  This avoids stress and your mind wont be distracted by thinking about other things you need to do.

Work in sessions. 

Take frequent breaks to avoid getting board or burning out.  Everywhere you look on the internet says something different about what period of time your should focus on a task. I personally focus for as long as I can (attentively) which is about 20-30 minutes.

Be organized.

 A neat and tidy space makes for a neat and tidy mind. Only have the papers out that you are looking at and organizes physical tasks like sorting items or completing assignments into piles to keep you sane.

Do it right the first time. 

Come on, don’t make mistakes! Just kidding, that’s not what I’m saying at all! Make mistakes, but always learn from them.  Tell yourself that you don’t have time to do something again such as edit or revise a paper so you have to do enough right now to get a decent mark without proofreading.  You’ll be amazed at how smart you really are without spending hours revising something.

Drink more water.  

You should do this even if you aren’t feeling motivated that day.  Keep hydrated to keep your energy up.

Forget social media. 

You knew this one was coming, eh? Put your devices away or better yet, hide them away.  Putting your phone far away from your work space completely reinforces the whole out of sight out of mind idea.

I really hope these tips help you to be the most productive you!

How do you like to stay productive? Let me know, I would truly love to learn some more awesome tips from you!