We have all been in the unfortunate position of having to cram for an exam. Cramming adds stress to the average student’s life and really does not help in the long run. Allowing yourself enough time to retain the information is the key to exam success. but sometimes our busy lives do not let this happen. Although cramming is not the best approach to studying, it can be done in a way that is effective in getting you a passing grade. Cramming is something most students engage in at some point throughout their academic years so I have come up with a few ways to help you with successfully cramming!
Get organized
Writing out study notes is time consuming but it does help tremendously when it comes to cramming. Take the extra time to organize all of the information in a way that will help you remember it! Also, by writing out your material you have already gone over it once. In doing this step you can can write down the most important points and condense the content.
Do the most difficult studying first
Leave the stuff you know or at least “kinda” know out for now. As students we tend to study the stuff we know really well, why? Well, probably because it makes us feel good to get the right answer, to feel a little bit smarter. However, this can take away from valuable study time of material you know nothing about. Before quizzing yourself on the material you do know, spend time going over the material you do not yet know. This will ensure you are able to understand a few things about every topic that could potentially come up on the test.
Choose what to study
As mentioned above, it is beneficial to have a broad range of knowledge about the material. However, when you are on a time limit it is necessary to choose what to study. Choosing what to study means your primary focus should be on key concepts and terms. Leave the small details for later and come back to them after you have a solid understanding of the main ideas. Choosing what to study also includes skipping the textbook. Do not bother reading through 400 pages of text if time does not allow. This might be scary for some students but I assure you, the most important content is in the lecture notes the professor prepared or the topics covered in class.
Focus on the big pictures
Giving your full undivided attention to the big pictures will ensure you are able to get through the important material. Think about the things that the prof emphasized in class, look at past quizzes, focus on ideas that you have spent a ton of time on in class. These are the things likely to appear on your test! Rather than focusing on every little detail, summarize the information in a way that makes the most sense to you. If time allows you can always look at the details later on.
Just get it done
Find a quiet place you can focus and do not leave that place until you are done. Set yourself a timer and study for that duration of time without any breaks. Of course, make this a reasonable and realistic amount of time. Personally, I cannot study for more than 30 minutes straight without needing a break. After that timer you set goes off, get up and take a walk or find something else to do for your study break. Keep your breaks to a minimal; about 5 minutes will be enough time to give your brain a break and refocus.
Use every minute you have
Spend those 10 minutes between classes, or that hour while you’re eating lunch to study. I bet you actually have a lot more time than you think to be studying. After making your study notes take them with you and make sure they are easily accessible so you can pull them out and study at any time. I keep my notecards in the very front pocket of my backpack so I can pull them out and study whenever I have a spare minute. I literally mean, whenever I have a spare MINUTE. When my profs are turning on the projector I read them through, or when I am waiting in line for a tea I quiz myself.
Get a decent sleep
Cramming will make this difficult to do. You will probably want to stay up all night long and spend as many hours as you can studying. However, quantity is far less beneficial than quality of studying in this case. A good sleep will do you far better than studying all hours of the night will. You do not want to be writing your exam with your eyes closed! When you go to bed stop thinking about your test! Stop worrying! Think about anything that puts your mind a ease and have a peaceful sleep!
Are you someone who crams for tests/exams?