Are you one of those people who constantly has motivation to make it to the gym but after you get there you can’t stay focused?

We’ve all had those days. But if you keep reading I’ll teach you a few ways to keep focused so you can have an effective workout.

You can always tell the difference between the people who are focused in the gym and the ones who aren’t.

If you visit my blog regularly, first of all.. thank you! Second, you know I’m all about utilizing the time I have in every situation to avoid stress and anxiety over the little things in life. That includes the gym! The gym isn’t really my social part of my day. The gym is a place where I love being, it’s my therapy, my happy place, but I work my hardest to stay focused so I can get in and out as soon as possible.

Silly, uni life keeps us all way too busy to be spending tons of time in the gym, am I right?

So how do you stay focused?

Well, I do a few simple things that anyone can incorporate into their routine. Here’s a few tips..

Come Prepared

I always have a plan of attack when I’m in the gym. Have your workout typed in your phone or have pulled up on your internet browser. This keeps you focused on completing that one workout and nothing else.

This way you know you have 5-6 exercises to get through and having them written down makes completing them much easier.

Give Yourself a time Limit

If I don’t do this I find myself at the gym for hours. So, set a reasonable time limit that allows you to get everything done but ensure the time is small enough it pushes you to grind while there.

Go By Yourself

This one is tough and can be contradictory. Many people need a workout partner to keep them motivated and on track but I find this can be distracting at times.  Different people have different goals and that’s beautiful but that can also make it difficult to focus on yourself and your own goals.

And that leads me to my next point..

Keep Goals in Mind

Nothing drives success like imagining the end result, so give it a try.  For example, when doing cardio imagine yourself running toward your goal, yes I mean literally running toward your goals to lose 5 pounds, tone up or just be the best version of yourself. Kiley Miller came up with the awesome idea of running toward your goal, give her channel a check out here.

Use Headphones

This one is pretty common but it’s actually something I just recently started doing.  It’s amazing what popping those little buds into your ears does for your focus.

Don’t be too Chatty 

To me, the gym is my therapy, my little home away from home and even when it’s busy I can sometimes feel like I’m the only one there.  By not talking to anyone I save time and am able to focus on my own specific goals.

Only Focus On Yourself

When you first start your fitness journey it’s extremely easy to compare yourself to others.  Compare your progress to theirs, your body type to theirs. Thinking about what others are doing is the farthest thing from focusing.  Keep your eyes on your weights and your mind on your mind muscle connection.


So, there you have it, a few simple ways to stay focused while in the gym!

Do you have any neat tips to stay focused while in the gym? I would love to hear about them, be sure to comment down below or send me a message!