Sometimes I just feel blah. The past month or so life has been a little bit chaotic and stressful for a variety of reasons but nonetheless, it pushed me into quite the slump. If I am going to be completely open and honest I have to tell you that falling into a slump happens — often for me. Anyone else relate?

Although it is never my intention to get so consumed by my own thoughts that I am unable to function optimally, sometimes. . . it just happens. Sometimes life just happens! But, that aside, it is so important to remember that all of those crazy and sometimes unfortunate things in life are happening FOR you.

Often, when I feel myself slipping into a slump it is due to overwhelm so I assume this happens to many of you because everyone’s life gets a little overwhelming at times.

So, I wanted to share with you exactly what I do to get myself out of a slump!

As mentioned above, the biggest culprit for my slumpy (I really don’t think that is a word) state is becoming overwhelmed. This can sometimes come out of what seems like nowhere but when I really sit down and think about why I am feeling the way I am feeling I can attribute it to the smallest of things like: not keeping up with cleaning, working long and scattered hours, falling out of routine. Taking the time to reflect on your emotions and where they are coming from will help break down the problem at hand.

If I have figured out the underlying problem (what caused me to fall into a slump) I can take action to fix those smaller problems. Taking action is crucial to pulling yourself out of a low state. Often, our thoughts can completely consume us, to the point of not taking any action. Fighting this is hard, but important. The only way you will be able to start feeling better and start feeling more like yourself again is by taking the actions necessary. Taking action means actively searching for ways to improve your problem and implementing those solutions.

I don’t know about you but to me, the best way to describe the feeling of being in a slump is being in a standstill kind of state that I am unable to break free of. This is when it becomes necessary to change it up. Maybe try to avoid huge changes at first, start small, like listening to a new podcast, revamping your morning routine, or reading a good book before bed.

So that’s it — my methods to get out of a slump!