When you think about university, you probably think about drowning in expenses.. Tuition Residence fees or rent TEXTBOOKS. These are all things you spend money on in university. However, if someone would have told me I could get through a semester without buying a textbooks.. Well, that would have…
How to create a Self-care Plan
Hello lovely people! I went for a walk the other day and noticed that other people walking were on their phones, cars were rushing by, and no one waves to each other. Those are just a few of the things I noticed. I can’t help but think that it is because we are…
9 things worth investing in Your Freshman year of Uni
Knowing what to bring to college your first year can be totally overwhelming. It’s the first time you are really on your own so that sense of freedom is empowering (but also scary). Do you buy that blanket? Is spending that much on a laptop necessary? There are oh so many questions, but it…
Tips for Living off-campus in University
I’ve always lived in an apartment while attending university. Even my freshman year. I knew I wanted to be able to cook my own meals, have the responsibility that comes with living off campus. Ultimately, however, I wanted to be able to get away from campus when I wasn’t in classes. Now, don’t get…
Overcoming Anxiety when you have an Overwhelming Amount to Do
We all deal with those times that bring about anxious thoughts but for some, these anxious thoughts pop up over the simplest decisions we have to make. Such as, how to approach someone you are interested in, or writing a difficult math test. Anxiety comes in various forms for various people. Makes sense, right?…
Tips for Having a Productive Day
Everyone I know longs for more time in the day. I always hear people say “There aren’t enough hours in the day” or “It’s impossible to get everything done that I want to.” That may be true at times, but think about it.. if we really did have more hours in the day would…