Knowing what to bring to college your first year can be totally overwhelming.  It’s the first time you are really on your own so that sense of freedom is empowering (but also scary).  Do you buy that blanket? Is spending that much on a laptop necessary?  There are oh so many questions, but it is also oh so very exciting!

You might be extremely worried about money right before you go off to post secondary (I know I was).  However, there are a few things that are truly worth spending a good chunk of money on.  This time in your life is the perfect time to make some real great purchases.  Let’s think of these items as investments!  Each item will benefit you at college in some way and will probably last for the entire duration of your degree.


I have compiled a list of item I invested in my first year of university and still use!  Feel free to add to your list, these are just some of the items that help all students out.

1. A Water Bottle

Trust me, this is a great investment, and it is one of the cheaper investments!  You’ll want to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.  Not only is awesome to throw in your gym bag, you can take it to the library and class with you as well.  Investing in a durable, high quality water bottle may seem pricey at the checkout but it will save you tons of money in the long run.  No more spending $1.75 at the vending machine for a water bottle every time you’re thirsty!

2. A Backpack


I remember thinking backpacks were lame in high school so I assumed the same for university.  Wow.. was I ever wrong! There are so many freshman, myself included, that show up the first day with a cute over the shoulder bag. HAHA. Well, you will soon realize having a sturdy backpack is essential for carrying all your books and for comfort purposes!  There’s no harm in buying a cute one like this one from Aldo, or a comfy one like this one here.  Everyone at uni has a backpack because it’s practical and no one really cares how it looks.  Oh, and I’ll let you in on a little secret.. Two strappin’ it is cool!

3. Comfy Shoes

You’re going to be walking across campus to get from one class to another, investing in a good pair of comfy shoes is a MUST.  During the winter I wear my Uggs most days but come fall I wear these cute adidas which also double as my gym shoes.

4. A Laptop

Investing in a laptop is pretty expensive but like I said, it is an investment! If you break down how much a laptop cost over the number of years you will have the laptop for, it really isn’t that bad! Plus, the convenience of a laptop is great so you don’t have to rely on the library computers.  I have a mac, which is great for taking notes and doing all my homework but depending on your major you might need another kind of laptop.

From personal experience a mac is great for university in general! When you are enrolled in computer programming or classes like GIS you might need a laptop that is compatible with certain software.  Either way, a laptop is needed in university, ya’know for those 3am homework sessions when the library is closed.

5. Notebooks


Throughout highschool I was always encouraged to use a binder to file all my handouts.  In university and college you don’t get many handouts, so a couple notebooks will get you by.  Most profs post their lecture material online and you usually don’t have to print it off. So, having something where all you paper is contained is a must. Five Star notebooks are great AND durable.

6. A Ball Cap

A ball cap for the bad hair days, or for when you haven’t washed your hair in days.. ’nuff said.

7. Some kind of Planning Device

Are you a write everything down kind of girl? Or, the digital calendar type? You will want to keep track of all your due dates and test dates so marking it down on a calendar is a great way!  There are lots of great planners out there, I love the Kate Spade planners because of how they are set up and their cute designs of course!  Digital planners are another great option, google calendar is user friendly and you can use it from just about anywhere and any device.

8. Earphones

Music might not be your thing but a pair of earphones are great for plugging in while in the library to block out sound and make it look like you’re busy.  If you look like you’re focusing, no one will stop to chat in the library.  Using earphones are also great for the gym or for listening to audiobooks!

9. Extra School Supplies

Ever buy a box of pens and only use a few then forget where you put the rest of the box? Story of my life. Recently, I’ve started putting all my extra supplies in a pencil case and just keeping it at home, then, when I’m running low I just grab a couple things out of my extra pencil case.  That way I never run out of supplies and I know where everything is!


Thanks for reading! What might you add to your list?